Tuesday, May 27, 2008

and while we're at it

While I'm in annoyacnce-mode-

WHY do the VS announcers insist on calling Michel Therrien MichAel? Yes, I understand that Michel is french for Michael but the man's name is MICHEL not michael! Get it straight peeps.

(And if anyone can feel that, it's me, since Michel is my last name and it's always being mispronounced!) So what I'm trying to figure out is if they are idiots and don't realize that it's Michel and just call him Michael, or they're trying to Americanize the dude. Either way it's ANNOYING!

Sorry, had to get that out. I forgot it in my last 2 game recitations.

Time for bed.


dani said...

I KNOW! I just asked my friend that the other day!

Erin said...

How about when the versus guys say 'Biron' all extra french. Like they're ordering in a fancy french resturant. I'll have the biiiiiiiwwwwon!