Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Can you smellllll what the rock is cookin?

Haha a bit old school but awesome anyway. Here is this week's hockey SAB:

Tyler Arnason of the Colorado Avalanche


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Separated at Birth? YOU be the judge. ;)

And seriously, how cool is it that the Pittsburgh Penguins HAND deliver season tickets to 35 of their season ticket holders? That is wicked sweet. They did it last year and are at it again. Good job guys! (hint hint Sabres.. get on it!) Not that I'm rich or fortunate enough to own Sabres season tickets but it's still extremely cooL!

And that's all I have for today.

1 comment:

dani said...

It's funny because I just watched a movie with the Rock. Nice pick.