Wednesday, April 21, 2010

'Bout that time, eh chap?

I know I've been neglecting it lately (my last one was JANUARY? Goodness sakes, I'm a bit of a failure in this department, eh?) but this Hockey SAB hit me so hard I couldn't let it bide. Luckily, it's already Wednesday (clock-wise) so it even fits into the grand scheme of things quite nicely.

As much as i don't like to even think the name of this fellow, the resemblance is uncanny and must be discussed. So without further ado (or confusing comments), I give you this week's Hockey Separated at Birth:

-Random actor Sean Marquette (seen most recently by me on "In Plain Sight" but has had bit parts in several CSI and other such shows)


-He Who Must No Be Named (a.k.a. Danny Briere- remember, the fear of a name only increases the fear of the thing itself!)

Separated at Birth? YOU be the judge! It's kind of uncanny, non? And in the show I was watching, he had this scraggly beard thing going on, much as Danny often does, 'specially in the playoffs. Can't say as I would know if he has such going on at this time, SINCE VERSUS DECIDED NOT TO CARRY ANY GAMES FROM THAT SERIES! And no, I'm not over it.

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