Thursday, November 6, 2008


Eeek do we really have to wait another day until the Sabres are on again? Ugh.

I was playing with Google Analytics earlier (inspired by Shara's ramblings of earlier and since I haven't done it in a while I thought I'd dig it..

October 9 was a popular day for my humble blog. I got 57 pageviews! WHOAAA!

And seriously, people who search my blog- I DON'T KNOW WHERE TRAVIS RYCROFT IS PLAYING THIS YEAR. I have not spoken to Rykes in more than 2 years. Got it? I know he's hot, I know he's a great dude, he's a fun hockey player. What I *DON'T* know is anything about his current life. But you keep searching it. So more power to you but just be aware that this blog is not a hotspot for Travis Rycroft sightings. ;)

I think the best search term I saw was "heatherB style". I did use that exact phrase once but it's a cool one since HeatherB is awesome.

And I had a visitor from the United Arab Emirates- how cool is that? (they actually have hockey there too, btw) and one from some weird hard to pronounce town in south central Russia. Fun times.

And that's really the coolness of the day.

P.S. My sis comes home from Iraq in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Slyborg said...

Rycroft retired this year. has all the info. He is being honored by the team this weekend for whatever reason. (in my opinion he was kind of a fake insecure douche bag)