Monday, June 15, 2009

quick post

to let you know that I am, in fact, alive. I did not die of sorrow from the Wings not winning (trust me, if I was going to die of hockey angst, it would have happened in 1994, not 2009), I've just been busy. I even missed the anniversary of my first Game 7 and the end of my first season as a hockey fan. (and the first of many defeats) I will eventually expound on that in full, because I'm pretty sure I never have. (and there was no internet- to speak of- in 1994 LOL) Bits and pieces here and there, many teasers, but never a full recollection of my first season as a hockey fan. (I don't think so anyway, do correct me if I'm wrong- I write a lot of things here and in other websites, so I tend to get confused from time to time.)

Also, I keep alluding to it- and I will eventually write a real post, but I think it's gross that the NHL Awards will be in Las Vegas (yes, there is a hockey team there, I've even been to a game) this year. It just isn't a "hockey" atmosphere. I think it cheapens what our League represents and tries to make it too glitzy and glamor-y and that's not what hockey is. (to me, at least. what do YOU think?)

So more on that soon, but not tonight. It's been a long day on not much sleep and I am beat. And as always, I'm still taking suggestions for Hockey Separated at Births...

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