Tuesday, July 8, 2008

my poor little hockey blog

Ahh hello there again my friends. Special shout to you out in Saskatoon! Whoever you are, I enjoyed your visit. Next time leave a comment, eh?!

I love Google Analytics. Maybe I'll bust an analytics post soon. Not tonight though. That takes too much mental awareness and I'm tired!!

I just thought I should blog a little. My poor hockey place feels so left out and sad. It's been almost a week since my last post. (though it was a double) I've just been really busy with work and there hasn't been a whole lot of hockey news to share.

One of these days (weeks? Months?) I'm going to bust some hockey songs. I have some already written that I could just share with y'all, and I have a few germs of others that maybe I can flesh out and make into whole songs for your entertainment pleasure. Did that make any sense?

My brain feels quite fried so maybe I should be going. What a lovely post about NOTHING! I'm pretty good at that. I really just wrote this so I could get a shout out to the 'Toon. I know that's where my peeps are. I've been told I would fit in there. Who knows? I've certainly never been to anywhere in Western Canada, least of all, Saskatoon. But it's definetly on my list of places to visit. I hear it's a pretty bustin place.

Enough silliness and lack of hockey talk. At least tomrorow you'll get a Separated at Birth. Woooo!


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