Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sabres are sweeet

okay guys. So one more game I missed (I was checkin Katebits and the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra (which was excellent, by the way).. but I see that the Sabres won again!

That's twice now we've beaten the Devils. I am going to Wednesday's game and I really hope that 3rd time is a charm and they throw in another win for me!

Vanek is bustin still. 24 goals? THAT is supreme. Royzie has 9 goals and 25 pts so that's not too terrible either. :) He's starting to pick it up finally.

And the boys have squeaked into 8th place in the conference, which means we'd be in the playoffs. WOOO! Keep movin on up.

The next game is Wednesday. that's a long time in between, but I think they can do it!

Enough rambles for the moment. The play was fantastic, by the way and I will be around on my blog a little more often now since I don't have rehearsal all the time.

see y'all lata.

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